Tuesday 21 January 2014

Lloyds Bank – Co-op deal was swayed by politics, Lord Levene tells MPs

Lloyds Bank
Lloyds Bank has been criticised by Lord Levene for favouring the Co-op over a rival bid for hundreds of its branches Photograph: Amer Ghazzal/ Amer Ghazzal/Demotix/Corbis
State-backed Lloyds Banking Group was "swayed by political considerations" when it chose the Co-operative Bank to take over more than 600 branches, the head of a failed rival bid told MPs.
The deal ultimately collapsed after the discovery of a £1.5bn black hole in the mutual's finances and Lloyds instead hived off the branches under the revived TSB brand – expected to be floated later this year.
Lord Levene, former chairman of NBNK Investments, which wanted to create a new challenger high street bank, told the Treasury select committee that the competition to buy the branches was run in bad faith.
He said that he handed the chairman of Lloyds a paper setting out key risks to the Co-op and the planned "project Verde" transaction. In written evidence to MPs, he said "leading market players" believed at the time the Co-op bid would fail.
But the peer told the committee on Tuesday that during the bid process it had been pointed out to him that the Coalition agreement contained a goal to promote the interest of mutuals.
Lord Levene, a former chairman of Lloyd's of London, said key government figures including business secretary Vince Cable were particular champions of the approach.
He said: "I think, with the benefit of hindsight, there must have been a view that if the creation of a new challenger bank would be by a mutual, this would be another tick in the box for the goals that had been set out.
"I have no difficulty with that, provided they were done by fair means rather than foul.
"In our view, they chose to concentrate on all the positive aspects of the Co-op and none of the positive aspects of our bid.
"I would say that Lloyds were swayed by political considerations. I would say that their assessment of our bid … was not done fairly."
Lord Levene said it was a "matter of regret" that the aim to create a new retail bank after larger institutions had "lost their way" had failed. Labour's recent call for a shake-up of the industry was "deja vu all over again", he said.
He said he had lost £60,000 of his own £100,000 investment in the project while the total cost had been around £30m.
In written evidence submitted to the committee, Lord Levene set out details of a board meeting of NBNK in January 2012 where concerns were raised that "it was not a fair race" and "that the Co-op was not in any shape at all to undertake the acquisition".
He said the minutes also "refer to our belief that the FSA [the Financial Services Authority regulator] should be concerned about the Co-op".
Lord Levene said that he had later handed a paper entitled "Key risks to the Co-op and Verde transaction" to Lloyds Banking Group chairman Sir Win Bischoff.
"Awkward as it may be for LBG to accept, both we at NBNK and leading market players at the time (who spoke with us privately) were of the clear view that the Co-op bid could never succeed."
He said that later he had been told by then Bank of England governor Mervyn King that the NBNK bid could not be accepted, and a month later in June 2012 the Co-op was announced as "preferred and exclusive bidder".
"During this period – summer 2012 – we had contacts with senior banking figures, during which it was made clear to us that pressure on LBG to appoint the Co-op was coming from within the coalition."
In a letter to the committee, Sir Win said there had been no record of the document Lord Levene said he had handed over.
He added that the document itself contained no reference to the capital shortfall facing the Co-op that ultimately scuppered the bid, which was not known about in the markets at the time.
Lloyds director of public affairs Dominic Morris said in a separate letter to the committee that the Co-op's final offer was "superior financially" to NBNK's, adding: "Our belief is that the process was fair throughout."
The group – which remains 33% government-owned after its rescue during the financial crisis – had been forced into the disposal of the branches to comply with European rules on state aid.
The near-collapse of the Co-operative Bank has been attributed to the failure of the bid as well as its takeover of the Britannia Building Society.

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