Thursday 22 May 2014

OK Google' voice search makes way to Chrome

Google's "OK Google" featureGoogle
Google's "OK Google" voice search is now available in the latest release of the Chrome browser. Google announced the news Wednesday in a Google+ post and urged all "Chromies" to give voice search a try.
Once the feature is enabled, users can simply open a new tab in Chrome and say "OK Google." From there, the search engine will recognize that a voice command is coming and allow users to input a search query.
Google has long offered voice search, but that required users to click a microphone icon in its search bar to get going. The new Chrome feature requires no user input other than the "OK Google" command.
Google announced the feature for its Chrome Beta in February, saying that it would work with Windows,Mac, and Linux. Now that the latest Chrome distribution is available publicly, anyone who updates their Chrome browser will get the feature.
The "OK Google" command is also available in the latest version of Chrome OS, Google's browser-based operating system. The feature allows Chrome OS users to quickly search with just the voice command.

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