After her almost retirement from Bollywood and her subsequent failure in the IPL, actor Preity Zinta is reportedly aspiring to try her luck in politics now. She has never confessed to harbouring political ambitions and the prospect of Preity Zinta contesting the elections on a BJP ticket are amusing.
According to sources, Preity Zinta has plans to contest election against Sanjay Dutt’s sister, Priya Dutt. It has been reported that the dimpled-cheek girl, Preity Zinta, has been offered nomination by Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) General Secretary, Rajiv Pratap Rudy to fight election from the North-Central Mumbai constituency against Munna Bhai’s sister. It has been heard that Rajiv Pratap Rudy, who is a distant relative of Preity, was keen on pitting some celebrity against Priya Dutt from the North-Central Mumbai constituency in the upcoming polls. So that’s how Priety is trying to help out, reported Times of India.
Although no confirmed statement has been released by the Kal Ho Na Ho star in regard to her probable jump into politics but having done with Bollywood and IPL, now politics may appear to be a golden milestone for this B-Town beauty. After the stars acting career went down, she has been trying out different fields. She also owns an IPL team with Ness Wadia and now politics seems to be her upcoming option. Her last movie Ishkq in Paris also seriously washed away from the box-office. However, it is only time to decide whether the Salaam Namaste girl with her probable new avenue receives a warm welcome from the masses or she is shown the exit door from politics.
According to sources, however, Preity Zinta has reportedly turned down the offer, but the party is still trying to convince her and doing their level best to bring her on the board.
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