Speaking to Express News anchor Rana Mubasher, the PTI chairman said that in his meeting with the army chief, he had been assured that five of his six demands will be met. The unmet demand being PM Nawaz’s resignation.
However, Imran maintained that that the army was not behind his campaign.
“We would have left by now if the army was behind us,” Imran said. “It has already been clarified that the military is out of political matters. We won’t leave even if the PM leaves for Hajj.”
Commenting on the rift with Javed Hashmi, Imran said he was disappointed over what he termed false statements by his party president. However, the PTI chief maintained that Hashmi’s loss will not affect his movement.
“Only the ones who’re ideologically committed to the party will stay with us now,” he said.
The PTI chief argued that his mission was to bring Pakistanis together and make them one nation, which was only possible once there was justice.
“If that happens, I won’t regret even if I don’t become the prime minister.”
He said a movement had begun in the country, which had awoken the masses.
“They are demanding their rights. The PIA incident is proof,” he said. “The passengers made it clear that they won’t wait for any VIP. They have started to speak on matters on which they previously remained silent.”
Regarding rigging in elections, Imran said electoral reforms would fail if those involved in poll rigging were not held accountable.
“Corruption in this country never ends because the corrupt are never punished,” he said. “Accountability is must or else rulers will buy off those involved in rigging, again.”
He said his dream of free, fair and transparent elections could not become a reality unless presiding and returning officers on duty during the 2013 general elections were held to account.
The chairman made another revelation regarding an office bearer of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).
“An important office bearer of the ECP had a role in rigging of 2013 general elections,” revealed Imran. “He got a BMW and a plot in a housing scheme.”
However, he did not name the official.
In response to a question, Imran said awakening of the masses would be his biggest success, adding that he would never choose to come into power on anyone else’s shoulder.
“I will come [into power] only through power of the masses. Our struggle is against oppressors.”
The PTI chief argued that a day will come when police will not dare to demand bribe, even from a roadside vendor.
“Change has come. Three IGP’s of Islamabad refused to use force against protesters. This is the change,” he said. “This is going to spread the across the country as it is for integrity of the country.”